Intellij IDEA and Go plugin
Ever wondered where to find IDE for programming Google Go language? Well, there are not a lot of choices out there and some of them lack pretty significant functionality, especially if you’re a newbie in Go like me. Some popular choices include: 1. LiteIDE the only IDE targeted specifically towards Go 2. GoSublime a Sublime Text plugin I’ve tried both of them and found out that both of them lack
Go to declaration
feature, which is crucual in the process of digging around new code. On top of that LiteIDE requires installation of gocode daemon for autocompletion to work fine. As you can see usage of these IDEs requires a lot of bells and whistles to get basic functioning. However there’s a third option which I’m going to talk about in this post: Google Go language plugin for IntelliJ Idea It covers two of my initial requirements for Go IDE: Go to declaration
feature, i.e. you may click on any declaration and go check how it’s implemented under the hoodAutocompletion
, that’s a huge time saver and a great helper in exploring available options
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