Posts tagged ‘grinder’

Tuning cheap burr coffee grinder Camry CR 4439

If you’re a coffee fan like me, it’s inevitable that at some point in your coffee-making experience you’ll find yourself in a desperate need of burr grinder. The problem with burr grinders is that the majority of them are too expensive for an average home coffee-maker and are targeted towards restaurants and professional baristas.

Hence, you’ll start exploring more cheap alternatives — and the first pretty affordable models will be blade-based.
These type of grinders suck as they do not provide you with a decent quality ground coffee –resulting bean particles are not evenly sized and this will highly affect espresso taste.

As you’ll discover later, there are not many burr-based grinders priced less than 50$. Surprisingly, they will produce almost the same quality of ground coffee as expensive monsters with prices over 300$. In this article, we’ll review one of those cheap coffee grinders and tune it to produce high quality ground coffee.

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