Posts tagged ‘comparison’

Phonegap vs. Titanium

For a while we’ve been spiking on different solutions to implement mobile app for our platform, and here are some of my initial thoughts on the problem.  Given that I’m too lazy and not so enthusiastic about Objective-C for iOS or Java for Android I was searching for some solution which could deliver value from both worlds with minimum initial effort.

Phonegap (hybrid approach)



  • Ability to develop apps in HTML5 ( means more web devices are captured)
  • Overall speed of iterative development is high (it’s almost like refreshing the page)
  • Easy to debug (remote WebKit console in Emulator)
  • It’s JavaScript!
  • Huge amount of JS-frameworks for touch devices (Sencha, iUI, jQuery mobile, iWebkit, etc) ready for use
  • Ability to make bindings to native hardware by writing Objective-C plugins
  • Good  documentation & large community

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