Archive for the ‘dev’ Category.
Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 06:39 pm GMT +2

Appcelerator Titanium is a very promising technology which allows you to write native mobile applications in Javascript for both iPhone & Android.
After playing around a bit with Titanium Mobile, I decided to showcase technology strengths to our stakeholders, particularly by letting them use KitchenSink demo for iOS.
In order to distribute iOS application into real hardware you’ll have to pass through a bunch of Apple’s obstacles including:
- Registering as an apple developer & getting valid certificate
- Registering your app ID
- Creating provisioning profile for specific iPhone UDIDs
- Mess around with certificates/private keys to properly sign your application
It turns out that it’s not that easy to produce valid AdHoc distribution of your iOS app in Titanium, in this post I’m going to show you how to do it.
Continue reading ‘Preparing AdHoc distribution in Titanium Mobile’ »
Monday, October 10th, 2011 01:35 pm GMT +2

GWT is a set of tools which allows you to write javascript code in java language. That is, to avoid confusion, GWT does not have a lot in common with tons of existing Java technology stacks out there.
It is designed in a such way that backing your javascript application by server build on top of Java stack becomes a huge advantage. However, it does not mean that you can’t build GWT apps backed by PHP/Python/Ruby servers which might be more lightweight solution (both from technology & business points of view).
Continue reading ‘Why GWT?’ »
Friday, August 12th, 2011 02:44 pm GMT +2
Having previous experience in writing PHP code could potentially lead you to hours of debugging in Python.
Consider the following simple example in PHP:
$s = "0";
$my = (bool) $s;
Continue reading ‘Python vs. PHP duck typing’ »
Friday, July 22nd, 2011 04:12 pm GMT +2

Nano is one of my favorite text editors, for a couple of reasons
- It’s very simple (as campared to Vim, which I was not able to quickly grasp on)
- It’s available by default on almost any *nix distro out there
- It has syntax highlighting (always turned off by default for some reason)
It this post I’ll show you how to install latest Nano to your Mac OS X environment with syntax highlighting turned on for most of programming&markup languages.
Continue reading ‘Syntax highlighting for Nano on Mac OS X’ »
Friday, June 3rd, 2011 10:33 am GMT +2

As you probably know, uWSGI is a fast application container for serving your webapps. It is often used with Django against nginx webserver. Written in pure C & having a lot of other cool features.
It seems that installation of uWSGI is pretty simple according to official docs but it isn’t.
Continue reading ‘Compiling uWSGI from sources’ »