Posts tagged ‘ios code signing’

Preparing AdHoc distribution in Titanium Mobile

Appcelerator Titanium is a very promising technology which allows you to write native mobile applications in Javascript for both iPhone & Android.

After playing around a bit with Titanium Mobile, I decided to showcase technology strengths to our stakeholders, particularly by letting them use KitchenSink demo for iOS.

In order to distribute iOS application into real hardware you’ll have to pass through a bunch of  Apple’s obstacles including:

  • Registering as an apple developer & getting valid certificate
  • Registering your app ID
  • Creating provisioning profile for specific iPhone UDIDs
  • Mess around with certificates/private keys to properly sign your application

It turns out that it’s not that easy to produce valid AdHoc distribution of your iOS app in Titanium, in this post I’m going to show you how to do it.


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